After leaving Moab we had to make a choice between heading down to Zion and Bryce Canyon or meeting up with our friends in Provo, Utah.
We chose our friends because if we’ve learned one thing it’s the people not the places that really make the journey. Afterall I have a feeling Zion will be there for a while and who knows when we’ll cross paths with our friends again.
The boys were happy to get to spend a week with their friends. There was jumping, skating, sleepovers, bike riding, and a campfire.
Jema, Clementine, and I spent an eternity afternoon in the thrift store. Ahhh, women after my own heart.
I considered renewing my vows just so we could were these dresses. π
Silly skaters!
Clearly, I’m not Mormon.
The week passed and much too soon we were posing for a group picture before we said our goodbyes.
Or so we thought….
Love and Laughter,
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