Some days are simple. I really like the simple days.
Days when we get up, have breakfast, and I do school with the boys while Brent “goes” to work. Then when afternoon comes, we go for a bike ride, a walk, or some other simple adventure.
Today was one of those days. After our morning routine we loaded up in the truck and headed back to Yosemite to say goodbye to Half Dome and film my first workout. I’m trying to film a workout in every state for my health blog, Girl Heroes. While in Yosemite, the boys decided to play in the snow since we had just bought them overpriced new gloves from the camp store. I’lll never understand, how we took off forgetting gloves when it was nearly winter. For goodness sakes, I packed a pair of fishnet stockings.
Then it was war!
After playing in the snow, we ran out of propane which meant no heat or stove. Go figure.
Luckily for us, I had bought some convenience food and we had a cozy meal of micorwaved lukewarm Indian fare before hitting the cooooold sheets.
Love and Laughter,