The other day on our walk Brent and I saw blades of green grass bravely poking up through the ground where the snow had been waiting all winter.
It’s amazing how fast the snow goes when it gets warm.
Kinda like life.
It just seems like last week we drove up to our home in the mountains.
We were uncertain and nervous of how we would handle wintering in the RV, would our California boys like snowboarding, and can we stay put for three months?
Then, like the receding snow, the months passed, three became four, and we said a bittersweet goodbye to Breckenridge.
And left behind a spot we called home for four and a half months.
A spot that will be filled with others who will make their own memories.
We came to the mountains to snowboard but left with so much more.
We celebrated our first Christmas away from family and we survived by decorating the RV, making cookies and snowflakes,and visiting longtime dear friends.
We were away the day our heater broke and had a scare with Virginia. We came home stone cold and frozen stiff little turtle. Thing Two (Virgina is his turtle.) and I sat on the couch sobbing hysterically crying trying to warm her little shell in our hands. I may or may not have prayed for her to come back to life. I mean if Jesus brought Lazarus back to life he can certainly revive a frozen box turtle. π A few hours later she moved her legs. Shortly after that she said, “Enough already!” and went back into hiberation for a good 3 months. A few weeks ago she “woke up” and we’ve been enjoying her every day since.
In January, we enjoyed the International Snow Sculpture by day and night.
There was plenty of fun for the kids in the snow.
The Colorado Trail ran nearby our campground where we could find a deeper solitude and an even more stunning view than the one out our window.
Thing One got his first job walking a sweet dog named Jezebel. He referred to her owners as his “clients”.
And a million other moments of ordinary beauty and togetherness.
To top off an incredible winter God sent the powder fairy on our last day at the mountain.
We came. We survived. We thrived.
And now we are moving on to the next adventure.
Love and Laughter,
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